Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Extra Credit Adventure Number Two--Imagineering Magic!

In mid-April the Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco's Presidio hosted an event focusing on Disney's theme park Imagineers. Marty Sklar himself was there along with other Imagineers to talk about the past way of doing things, the present challenges, as well as the fascinating possibilities of the future (mobile phone incorporation for rides? VR technology? Who knows!)

Speaking of the future, here's proof of my digital ticket! Or at least an email proving that I did get one. Technology is still full of all kinds of quirks, by shoot, things have certainly become more convenient since I've been alive!

And here's Megs and me with the man himself--Walt Disney!

I'm incredibly grateful that the museum puts on such wonderfully informative presentations--and that it isn't too far away, too! There's some fascinating stuff relating to Pinocchio that's coming up soon. I'm going to try and make it to a couple of them if I can!

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